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Our project works on the reworking of the mesh of the city's municipalities as an organic application of the box intended as a container of the essence. The presence of the city can already be perceived from the idea of the architectural space that is outlined around the spectator with the set of geometric shapes that aggregate into an organic surface to form the roof of the exhibition area. Everything finds its completeness in the idea of a luminous, permanent and immaterial installation. The artistic choice to connect Rome and the exhibition is to "signal" its form.
Like a passage route, the volume marks the possibility of being transported, getting involved in the vision of interior spaces that "show the reality of the city".
The project works by giving the maximum possible continuity and fluidity to the internal movements, trying to bring the outside to life, with a clear trajectory for the exhibition itinerary and a destination that brings the "open" city back into the "circumscribed" architectural space. In this sense, a fundamental choice of the project is the skyline which provides the viewer with a glimpse of the city, the noises and colors of the city which pulsates and lives from its mobility through a diffused audio system.
The perimeter scenario thus presents itself as the "ideal terminal" of a first and more superficial visit route that takes the visitor through the open spaces of Rome, the squares, the urban fabric which transforms from ancient places towards the more recently urbanized areas . The second scenario area is composed of the internal "sails" which serve to represent the content of the city, the activities that take place inside. The representative itinerary winds from the entrance through a modular system designed to simultaneously showcase images, products, architecture and the city.

By connecting to "Better city for better Life", the ROME pavilion also aligns itself with the basic idea of the EXPO 2010 competition.


S. 地块 / M2


它是 S. BUILT / M2







Interior Design

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