Since then I started thinking about objects that belong to the world of living and I no longer saw them as separate elements. I don't think of them as complements, but as essences that are part of a complex world, which is that of living.
However, in making design objects you need to deal with the world of mass production; and then the designs must be defined in order to be sold and inserted into different worlds, into other ways of living.
However, I believe that even a single chair can express the meaning of living, that profound meaning that I try to give to the homes I design. For me, a chair expresses the desire to sit, and it must not be so comfortable that you forget that sobriety represents a superior state of beauty, because beauty is not an end in itself, but belongs to a wider world where the love and harmony are part of it.
Understanding and knowing how to reflect on abundance and what is superfluous, I think it is a good way to start
meditate on the phenomena of life; a chair, in the simplicity of its lines and materials, goes beyond form only when it reaches the essence for which it was created.
Fausto Ferrara
I dealt with design mainly with completion elements inserted into the homes I designed.
S. 地块 / M2
它是 S. BUILT / M2
Design di Prodotto